Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Red Tape Galore!

It's been a week since my niece contacted us.  We've been scrambling to figure out what is required and making sure we meet those requirements.
We retained a lawyer in Florida.
We've been working on our homestudy with an adoption agency.
We've met with our Doctor and did our water potability test.
During all this running around, Sonya's truck needed to have the U-joints replaced so we were down to one car for a couple days.

Car is fixed now - and most of our paperwork is done.  We still need to complete our autobiographies and wait for our background checks.
Also, found some bacteria in our well water, so we have to get that taken care of and get a new test done.  A lot to do with only two more days before we hit the road for the Sunshine State.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Bad News - Good News (We Hope)

Bad News:  It looks like China only got to September 21st this month.  TWO DAYS!!  UGHHH!   Last August was a pretty unproductive month as well, which was followed up by a 14 day month.  I'm hoping that is the case this year as well - but I'm not holding out hope.

Good News:  My niece contacted us about adopting her baby which is due in two weeks.  A lot to do and even if the adoption goes through, we may not be able to bring the baby home from Florida for a month!!  We'll see what happens.  Again, we are hopeful, but cautious.  We've been down a lot of dead ends over the years.  Not in the mood for another one.