Monday, February 4, 2013


Mrs. Cheriway and I started our journey to build a forever family 16 years ago.  It's been a crazy roller coaster with more valleys than peaks. It' been stressful, heartbreaking, and exhausting.  So many times we'd be given a small glimpse of hope only to have our dreams taken from us.  When we logged in to China, we thought that two to three years would be an impossible wait.  That was almost 6 years ago and my estimates are that we're just starting our three year wait.

All that being said - I can't believe how lucky we are.  Our little Snickerdoodle is amazing!!  She is perfect, and Mrs. Cheriway and I have never been as happy and fulfilled as we are now.

Snickerdoodle is such a good baby.  She's healthy - she's growing like mad, she loves to smile and laugh and has been sleeping through the night since week 7!!!!  I feel like my heart grows three sizes every time I look at her.

The wait was well worth it.

As anxious as we are to go to China and bring home her sister - we don't want to wish away one moment with our little angel.

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